Among “21 of the Best Books by Black Authors to come out in 2024”

The Grio

The Grandest Garden is a poignant coming-of-age story about the ties that bind us to our people and how to survive when they break.

Bella Fontaine is on her own. Fresh out of college and with the winnings from her first international photography competition, she decides to leave Los Angeles to forge a new life in New York City. But will she be able to overcome the trauma of her childhood and her break from home to make it as a successful artist and professional photographer in a new city? Or will her secrets catch up with her ,and keep her from developing the relationships she needs to make her dreams come true?

No matter who you are…

your story is a part of something big. Gina Carroll is a renowned author and founder of Story House where she helps writers, novice to published authors, get their stories written and shared.

  • Meet Gina Carroll

    Gina began writing, blogging and speaking after leaving a large corporate law practice to raise her five children. Also the author of 24 Things You Can Do with Social Media to Help Get into College, she is nationally recognized for her coverage of the parenting and family landscape, including relationships, digital fluency, parenting adolescents and getting into college.

  • A Story That Matters

    A Story That Matters: A Gratifying Approach to Writing About Your Life, makes a compelling argument for a broader array of authentic voices in the story-sharing universe.

    This easy and enjoyable read gives us a uniquely transformative and gratifying approach to writing our life stories.

  • Story House - Where your writing journey begins

    There are many ways that you, as the writer of your own story, can throw others a rope. Your story can allow another person to reflect on a time, a way of being, an emotion or a viewpoint.

    Let us help you stake your place in the world and be the master of the writing and the sharing of the stories that are yours and yours alone.

Tell us your story.

We are dedicated to the story— each one— all of them. We are devoted to helping you tell yours— grapple with it, clarify it, finish it, share it. We have a philosophy and a process for helping writers— the novice and the experienced author— get their stories down, one story at a time.

Story House

Schedule a speaking engagement
or event with Gina

“Your story will change someone, and that someone is most likely you.”

- Gina Carroll

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